miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014



En inglés podemos distinguir tres tipos de oraciones condicionales:


El primer tipo nos indica que una situación ocurrirá con seguridad en el futuro.

[if + presente simple] + [futuro simple (will)] 

If he finishes his homework, he’ll go to the cinema.


El Segundo tipo de condicional indica que una acción podría ocurrir. Tiene un matiz de duda.

[if + pasado simple] + [condicional simple (would)] (Duda)

If I met Leonardo DiCaprio, I’d ask him for his autograph.


El tercer tipo de condicional indica la imposibilidad de que una acción hubiese tenido lugar.

[if + pasado perfecto simple] + [condicional perfecto (would have+participio) 

If she had got up earlier, she wouldn’t have missed the train.


A  Completa las siguientes cuestiones y haz clic en el botón -Corregir Ejercicio- para obtener la corrección de este ejercicio.
Principio del formulario
1 If I win the lottery, I _____ (buy) a new car.
2  If we spoke better English, we _____ (move) to the United States.
3  If it _____ (rain), we should go to the movies.
4 They _____ (wait, not) in the rain, had you called them to tell them you were going to be late.
5 If Peter _____ (work) less, he would have more time to study.
6 It would have been a nice holiday, if I _____ (break, not) my leg.
7 _____ you _____ (go) to a different show if you can't get tickets to "Les Miserables"?
8 If she were shorter, she _____ (wear) high heels more often.
9 _____ you _____ (be) angry if I hadn't called to tell you I would be late?

Ejercicios: Oraciones Condicionales – Segundo Tipo

B En el siguiente ejercicio podrás practicar el segundo condicional. Para ello debes colocar el verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis en la forma correcta:

1 If they (use) …………… public transportation, they (save) …………… a lot of money.
2 If you (have) …………… time in the evenings, you (go) …………… to the cinema.
3 If I (be) …………… you, I (not spend) …………… all the money.
4 If your friend (not be) …………… so irritant, I (visit) …………… you.
5 If my mother (speak) …………… less, I (enjoy) …………… the film.
6 If you (tell) …………… me the truth, you (not have) …………… problems.
7 If my brother (ask) …………… for permission, my parents (not annoy) …………… with him.
8 If he (run) …………… fast, he (win) …………… the race.
9 If he (send) …………… me an e-mail, I (answer) …………… it.
10 If my sister (do) …………… the housework, I (go) …………… shopping.

A If they (climb) …………… the mountain with a guide, they (not lose) …………….
B If you (Know) …………… him well, you (not lend) …………… money.
C If he (give) …………… a good excuse, I (forgive) …………… him.
D If the teacher (explain) …………… the lesson, I (understand) …………… it.
E If the play (not be) …………… so boring, I (not sleep) …………… at the theatre.
F If you (live) …………… in a foreign country, you (have) …………… problems with the language.
G If the workers (go) …………… on strike, the manager (pay) …………… the     salaries
H If the clown (disturb) …………… me, I (kick) …………… him.
I If my credit card (disappear) ……………, I (call) …………… the police.
J If my boyfriend  (be) …………… jealous, I (not marry) …………… with him.

Ejercicios: Oraciones Condicionales – Primer Tipo
C Completa las siguientes oraciones usando el primer  condicional colocando la forma correcta de los verbos que se encuentran entre paréntesis:

1 If Britney Spears (hit) …………… the paparazzi, she (be) ……………. in a serious trouble.
2 If he (listen) …………… to the teacher, he (understand) …………… the lesson.
3 If you (touch) …………… the owen, you (burn) …………… your hand.
4 If she (break) …………… the window, her parents (pay) …………… for it.
5 If they (go) …………… to the cinema, they (enjoy) …………… the movie.
6 If he (be) …………… intelligent, he (solve) …………… the problem.
7 If you (go) …………… to the party, I (go) …………… with you.
8 If he (knock) …………… the door, I (not talk) …………… him.
9 If she (need) …………… a favour, I (do) …………… it.
10 If your car (be) …………… broken, the mechanic (repair) …………… it.

A If you (buy) …………… a new computer, you (give) …………… me the old one.
B If the police (catch) …………… the thieves, they (go) …………… to prison.
C If the judge (find) …………… him guilty, he (pay) …………… the fee.
D If the weather (be) …………… fine, they (go) …………… camping.
E If you (lose) …………… my book, you (buy) …………… a new one.
F If I (have) ……………. time, I (practice) ……………. the exercises.
G If you (eat) …………… your vegetables, you (eat) …………… ice-cream.
H If it (not rain) …………… we (play) …………… soccer.
I If you (stay) …………… at home, we (enjoy) …………… the concert.
J If we (disturb) …………… him, he (not finish) …………… his homework.

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